Photo: Louise Eklund
From left in the photo: A4 1 (Celery), A4 2 (Dandelion), A4 3 (Bladder wrack), A4 4 (Nigella seeds), A4 5 (Broccoli sprouts), A4 6 (Trojan horse), A4 7 (Essiac tea), A4 8 (Chicken bones), A4 9 (Turkish garlic cure),
A4 10 (Bicarbonate), A4 11(Birch ash)
Photo: Louise Eklund
A4 1
5 dl Sellerijuice intas fastande, 1-2 gånger dagligen.
A4 7
Essiac tea (greater burdock root, wood sorrel, slippery elm bark, turkish rhubarb root)
60 ml i hot water, twice a day.
A4 11
Birch ash
1-2 msk in cold water 1-2 times daily, 30 min before meal alt. 2 hours after meal.
A4 1 is one piece in a serie within eleven sheets of paper in the size of A4.
A4 1 is made of celery, contains of the leftovers from the amount of celery, that I as diagnosed with cancer is recommended daily. I have tried several treatments for cancer and the piece A4 1 is one of the eleven treatments I have implemented.
Other works in the A4 series with alternative cancer treatments I completed for preventive purposes to avoid recurrence of cancer.
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